Get to Know Me!
Wellness, Empowerment & Beauty Coaching, Make-up Artistry & Esthetics.

Hello, Beautiful You!
My name is Claribel Corona. I was born and raised in Queens NY, and I have been in Florida for half of my adult life. I am solar powered and meant to be in the Sunshine State! I am incredibly thankful to live in beautiful Beach town city of St. Augustine. I have a Bachelor’s in Communications, Master’s in Health and Wellness Counseling, and a Licensed Esthetician. But my first job is being a mom (which I absolutely love)!
My personality is colorful and cheerful just as my eyeshadow. Yup, just scroll though my IG, and you will see for yourself. I love all things related to taking care of your skin, enhancing your natural beauty (outward and inward), makeup, fashion, healthy living, and fitness. I love myself; I love my baby boy Elijah (who’s not a baby anymore ☹…), I love my partner, my family & friends, and I love my life (on good and bad days)! Oh Yes, I have a Lotta Love to go around😊.
I haven't always been confident. I've struggled with self-doubt and confidence issues, body image, and feeling guilty for taking time to do the things that brought me joy. I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease when I was 25, and that brought on a new level of body image issues. I suffered for years with feeling too fat, then after being diagnosed I struggled with feeling too thin (#crohnslife). Yeah, seriously! What's wrong with us sometimes! Plus, having 10 surgeries thus far, I've had a lot of body changes and I've had to learn to love myself every day. Because I am still here, and too much to be grateful for in my life!
Through my struggles with my devastating chronic autoimmune disease, loss, more than just a few curveballs, and my compassionate nature; I discovered my biggest purpose. This is why I created Clarity with Claribel, a space where Wellness & Beauty Collides. My mission in life is to be an advocate for women who need to love themselves again, to be your cheerleader, to coach you on regaining your confidence, and to walk you through to Redefine Beautiful You!
Life without hardships is not promised, but you can choose to not let the hardship determine your life.